Each year, distinguished scholars and practitioners from Latin America serve as Tinker Visiting Professors at five major universities in the United States. The Foundation endowed these Professorships beginning in 1968 – the first endowed positions focused on Latin American faculty in the U.S. The program has two complementary objectives: to enhance the experience and training of students and scholars in U.S. universities and to enable leaders from Latin America to amplify their work and extend their professional networks. Since the inception of the program, more than 400 Tinker Visiting Professors have participated in the program.
Tinker Visiting Professors have represented various disciplines and professions and included notable historians, writers, artists, and scientists. Visiting professors engage deeply in academic life on campus, often laying the groundwork for future collaboration.
Each university administers the Tinker Visiting Professors program independently, following a shared set of program objectives and guidelines.