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Since 1979, the Tinker Foundation has provided support to graduate students conducting pre-dissertation, exploratory research in Latin America. The funding, awarded to U.S. universities and typically administered by Centers for Latin American Studies, has supported more than 9,000 student recipients over its 45-year history.

Following a comprehensive external evaluation in 2019, we launched an enhanced program, the Tinker Field Research Collaborative, which seeks to deepen the impact of the field research experience for students and create a learning community of the participating Centers.

Archeological dig Mexico_Credit Xanti Ceballos (University of Arizona)

The TFRC provides five years of support to selected Centers. Through the Collaborative, Tinker not only funds student field research but also promotes opportunities for joint experimentation, tool-building, and knowledge exchange at the institutional level. This can include pre-departure support to students, resources to encourage responsible practices in field research, networking of current and former FRG recipients, and approaches for monitoring, evaluation, and program improvement.

In addition, members of the Collaborative commit to supporting graduate students for whom field research would not otherwise be possible. Together, we work to ensure that the significant professional and personal benefits of early-career research opportunities can be accessed more equitably.

We will continue to provide updates on the progress of the Collaborative through our website and social media. Please note that going forward, Tinker will only fund field research through the Collaborative. We will no longer operate the Tinker Field Research Grants program beyond completing existing grants.


Following a  rigorous selection process, the following Centers were selected to participate in the Collaborative. Tinker acknowledges the commitment of each Collaborative member to match Foundation funds with university resources.

University  Center 
Columbia University*Institute of Latin American Studies
Florida International UniversityKimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center
New York UniversityCenter for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
San Diego State UniversityCenter for Latin American Studies
Stanford University*Center for Latin American Studies
Tulane UniversityStone Center for Latin American Studies
University of ArizonaCenter for Latin American Studies
University of California, BerkeleyCenter for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
University of Chicago*Center for Latin American Studies
University of FloridaUF Center for Latin American Studies
University of IllinoisCenter for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
University of KansasCenter for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
University of MichiganCenter for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
University of Texas at AustinTeresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison*Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program

*Affiliate member using existing Tinker endowment and other Center resources

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