Tinker Visiting Professor

Gustavo Vaamonde

Gustavo Adolfo Vaamonde is a professor in the Cátedra Historical Theory and Method, and director of the master’s program in History, at Universidad Central de Venezuela. He earned his PhD in  History in  2013 from Universidad San Pablo C.E.U. Spain. Dr. Vaamonde has received different awards during his professional career. He was appointed Member of the National Academy of Venezuelan History, Chair “D” in 2018. He also was a recipient of the “Rafael María Baralt” Prize for Best Venezuelan Young Researcher, Venezuela and he received the “Francisco González Guinán” National History Prize, Venezuela, in 2017.   His latest books include "Remedios para atajar el mal. Venezuela 1780-1806" (Madrid: Ediciones 19, 2016) and  "Los Novadores de Caracas. La Suprema Junta de Gobierno de Venezuela (1810-1811)" (Caracas: Fundación Bancaribe / Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2010).


TVP Details
Employer/Affiliation UCV
Job Title Director of the Master Program of History, UCV
Country of Residence Venezuela
Field of expertise History
Specialty Latin American democracy XIX century
Host University Details
University name University of Texas at Austin
Academic Year 2021-2022
Term/Semester Fall