Tinker Visiting Professor

Vera Tiesler

Vera Tiesler is currently a research professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, where she heads the Laboratory of Bioarchaeology. Key books include Smoke, Flames, and the Human Body in Mesoamerican Ritual Practice (2018), co-edited with Andrew Scherer; the re-examination of a foundational Maya tomb in Janaab’ Pakal of Palenque. Reconstructing the Life and Death of a Maya Ruler (2006), co-edited with Andrea Cucina; and a number of works on cranial modification, most recently, Modificaciones cefálicas culturales en Mesoamérica. Una perspectiva continental (2018), co-edited with Carlos Serrano, and Head Transformations in Native Mesoamerica and the Andes. Identity, Power, and Embodiment (2018), coedited with María Cecilia Lozada. By exploring skeletal information jointly with pre-Columbian art, artifacts, and ethnohistoric sources, Tiesler’s research addresses ancient lifestyles and death practices, physical appearance and permanent body enhancement, violence, sacrifice, and body processing.

TVP Details
Employer/Affiliation Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Job Title Research Professor
Country of Residence Mexico
Field of expertise Anthropology
Specialty Bioarchaeology, human condition of the ancient Maya
Host University Details
University name University of Chicago
Department Anthropology
Academic Year 2021-2022
Term/Semester Spring