Tinker Visiting Professor

Manuel Heitor

Manuel Heitor is the author of numerous peer reviewed papers and several books in the areas of engineering, energy, and the environment, and more recently in innovation, science, and technology policy. This work has led him to positions of leadership, first at the Instituto Superior Técnico (the leading science and engineering school in Portugal) and then to the Portuguese government, eventually as Minister for Science and Technology at a pivotal time of scientific expansion and achievement in the country. In this role, Professor Heitor developed a large network of contacts and collaborations in both Latin America and the European Union and took part in strategic visioning and implementation of key policy strategies for cooperation and development between the European Union, Portugal, and Brazil.

TVP Details
Employer/Affiliation Instituto Superior Técnico
Job Title Professor of Technology Management and Policy
Country of Residence Portugal
Field of expertise Technology Management and Policy
Specialty Urban and environmental policy in Latin America
Host University Details
University name University of Chicago
Department Ecology and Evolution
Academic Year 2025-2026
Term/Semester Spring