Tinker Visiting Professor

Javiera Barrera Martínez

Javiera Barrera is an expert in applied probability. Her research interests combine stochastic processes, stochastic optimization, and reliable network design. She has contributed to the reliability network literature, developing new methods to design and evaluate reliable networks incorporating geographical dependencies in failures. At the same time, she is interested in studying Markov models' abstract properties with reliability applications. Her research has been published in prestigious journals such as Mathematical Programming, Annals of Operations Research,  IEEE Transactions on Reliability, and Annals of Applied Probability.

Dr. Barrera holds a double Ph.D. from Université Paris-Descartes and Universidad de Chile. She has participated in research projects such as RAREDEP where researchers from Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, and France study the simulation of dependent failures using rare event techniques. She has also participated as a researcher in collaborative projects such as the Operations Research In Energy & Climate Change and Stochastic Models of Disordered and Complex Systems. She is permanently collaborating with female researchers in Chile and Latin America to communicate women's role in math and STEM research.
She is currently an Associate Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez in Chile where she teaches Stochastic Models courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has supervised more than 20 undergraduate students, seven postgraduate theses, and one postdoc.

TVP Details
Employer/Affiliation Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Job Title Associate Professor
Country of Residence Chile
Field of expertise Applied Probability, Stochastic Optimization
Host University Details
University name Stanford University
Department Management, Science, and Engineering
Academic Year 2023-2024
Term/Semester Winter