Tinker Visiting Professor

Angela Rojas

Angela Rojas is a Professor of Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism at the Technological University of Havana (Architect, 1970; Specialist in Urbanism, 1980; Doctor in Architecture, 1986). In 1997 she attended the ITUC Course (Integrated Territorial and Conservation Planning Course) at ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property). Scholar at the Getty Conservation Institute, Fall 2016. She has lectured or taught as a guest professor in Cuba, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Angola, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Italy, Canada, Barbados, the United States of America, and China. Professor Rojas’ contribution to the conservation of heritage has mainly been in Theory, History, and Urban Conservation in Cuba, Spain, and Panama. She designed a Master’s Degree Program in Territorial and Urban Conservation. Honorary Member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites, Member of ICOMOS Academy, Member of ICOMOS Scientific Committees: CIIC (Cultural Routes), CIVVIH (Historic Towns and Villages), and ICICH (Intangible Heritage). Member of Executive Committee/ICOMOS from 2002 to 2011. She is also a member of DOCOMOMO. Current research includes values and attributes in heritage, the role of influences from other cultures, and heritagization processes. She is working on a book project focused on influences and conditioning factors in architecture and urbanism.

TVP Details
Employer/Affiliation Technological University of Havana, Cuba
Job Title Professor
Country of Residence Cuba
Field of expertise Architecture
Specialty Urbanism and Conservation
Host University Details
University name Columbia University
Department Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
Academic Year 2022-2023
Term/Semester Spring